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Personalized, effective divorce solutions that secure your financial future and prioritize your emotional well-being.



Does this sound familiar?

  • You feel lost.

  • You don’t know how you’re going to make ends meet.

  • Child exchanges are traumatic.

  • You can’t envision a happy future.

  • Your emotional and physical wellbeing are at an all-time low.


You’re in the right place to find a better path forward:

I offer compassionate guidance, personalized practical financial advice, and the support you need to restore your health, wealth, and happiness on the other side of divorce.


Take control of your future

Having someone on your team who truly understands the emotional, financial, legal, and real-life implications of a family law matter is a game-changer. I can help you:

  • Identify your needs

  • Define your goals

  • Create a plan forward

  • Develop a budget

  • Make informed decisions

  • Enforce healthy boundaries

  • Co-parent with your ex

  • Find work you enjoy

  • Design a life you love living

Make informed decisions

Working with a Divorce Financial Analyst takes the guess work out of asset distribution and property division. I will ensure you have what you need to approach settlement from an informed and empowered position. I provide:

  • Child and spousal support analysis

  • Budgeting and income planning

  • Separate property tracing

  • Lifestyle analysis

  • Marital waste analysis

  • Property division proposals

  • Pension valuations

Find effective solutions

Mediation can be a highly effective alternative to traditional family law proceedings, even in high-conflict situations. It reduces legal costs, promotes creative solutions, and allows parties to avoid a one-size-fits-nobody court decision. It can promote healing and build healthier communication patterns, providing a solid foundation for a new beginning. I offer:

  • Mediation Preparation

  • Mediation Advocacy

  • Affordable Mediator Services

  • Zoom or in-person (locally) 


Words from happy clients

I would never have emotionally survived divorcing my narcissistic ex without the transformational support of Jes Holst. Her clear understanding of the inner workings of the legal system, coupled with her depth of experience working with survivors of narcissistic abuse, makes her an invaluable resource. You will need her to help you navigate the daily mayhem that your abusive ex is throwing your way, but you will stay for her quick wit, her dry humor, and her fierce dedication to your empowerment and healing. Hire her immediately (if she's available!). She will change your life. She has absolutely changed mine. - Dr. M.M.


Going through a family law matter is one of the hardest things you’ll ever do.

Hi, I’m Jes. I know being a party in a family law matter is emotionally draining and overwhelming. One day you're living your normal life, and the next, you're trying to make high-stakes, high-pressure decisions about your future while everything you've ever known is in pieces on the floor. You feel lost and it is a struggle just to get through each day, let alone find a way forward. I've been there, and I get it. It is scary, it hurts, and it feels like you'll never be happy again. The good news is that it gets better, and you don't have to figure it out alone like I did. 

I created Wise Way Divorce Solutions to to help people just like you: 

  • restore hope

  • establish stability, and 

  • create a secure and happy future

So you can get through this hell and on to living a life you love. I look forward to hearing from you!

I am professionally qualified to be your guide:

  • Certified Divorce Financial Analyst- CDFA(R)

  • Certified High-Conflict Divorce Coach

  • Certified High-Conflict Family Law Mediator

  • High-Conflict Co-Parenting Coach

  • B.A. in Communication

  • WA APR 6 Graduate

  • Certified Trauma-Informed RYT



It is normal to feel lost. I can help you find your way.