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Meet our founder, Jes Holst.

Hi, I'm Jes. I empower my clients to make informed decisions that save them years of anguish and thousands in legal costs. I'm so glad you're here.

Having gone through a difficult divorce myself in 2019 while also studying to become an attorney, I gained valuable insights into clients' real problems in family law litigation. I noticed that many of my clients were struggling with financial challenges and extreme emotional turmoil. Yet, their attorneys, therapists, and financial advisors weren't providing them with the support they needed to navigate the unique issues connected to their case. As a result, many people were left emotionally, financially, and energetically devastated at the end of their matter. This didn’t feel right to me. I knew there was a better way.

I became a certified divorce coach, certified divorce financial analyst (CDFA®), and high-conflict family law mediator to fill the gap and help people successfully restructure their lives after a family law matter. My carefully designed services ensure you feel informed, empowered, and supported throughout each step of your case. Together, we will create a personalized plan that considers and evaluates the financial, property, support, and parenting options unique to your case so you can make informed decisions that align with a future you are excited to start living. 

Your case shouldn't ruin your life. In fact, with the right guidance, it can create positive change and personal growth. I know it is a radical perspective, but I am living proof that it's the real deal. I offer a free 30-minute discovery call to help you understand how. Click below to schedule yours today.


Words from happy clients

Working with Jes made me feel heard and gave me hope for the future. I am so grateful I didn’t have to go through my divorce without her —V.M.


My Quick Stats:

Years of
Family Law
Mediations and

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