Financial Analysis

With the exception of a few specific reports (priced below), CDFA services are offered in custom packages, tailored to meet each client’s unique needs.

Having a financial professional on your side during a family law matter can alleviate stress and give you peace of mind knowing that your financial future is secure.

I can help you make informed decisions about:

  • Dividing assets and liabilities

  • Determining child and spousal support

  • Evaluating spending habits and creating a budget

  • Creating a plan for a secure financial future

  • Evaluating future income and employment options

  • Preparing for post-divorce financial transitions

Additionally, I can advise and provide reports for mediation, settlement negotiations, or trial on:

  • Separate property tracing and lifestyle analysis

  • 401(k) Community property valuation

  • Pension valuations ($125 per pension)

  • Stock option, investment, and retirement distribution

  • Support arrearage calculations

  • Maintenance buy-out analysis ($125 per scenario)

  • The long-term financial implications of various settlement options

Schedule a consultation today to learn more about how Wise Way Divorce Solutions’ services can save you time, money, and a whole lot of heart ache.